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Posted at 05:40 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Is the Internet rewiring our brains? How so?
Sponsored by: My LifeScoop: Bringing You Tips for a Connected LifeStyle
Yes. It is giving us shorter attention sp
Posted at 12:06 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Do you think it's true that "All good things must come to an end?"
That depends, do you label time as a good thing? because supposedly time is infinite and has not end.
Posted at 01:13 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Today is "Eat Your Vegetables Day." What vegetable do you love to eat? Hate?
Hate them all except corn, broccoli and sometime string beans.
Posted at 11:57 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
You're going on your dream vacation and you can only take one gadget with you. Camera, music player, cell phone, laptop or something else – what do you bring and why? Which other ones would you miss most?
Sponsored by: My LifeScoop: Bringing You Tips for a Connected LifeStyleMy camera. I love taking photos. I always have a camera with me. But I might just say my phone because my phone can take photos, check the web, send emails, text, everything I need.
Posted at 05:32 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
What's the most exotic animal you've ever seen in person? What about *not* at the zoo?
My Brother has Ferrets. That is probably as exotic as I will get as far as seeing an animal in person that was not at the zoo.
Posted at 11:34 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
With so many features available on mobile phones, talking is not always everyone’s first priority. What do you use your phone for the most? What features couldn’t you live without?
Sponsored by Sprint, bringing you the first wireless 4G network from a national carrier.Mostly text messaging, taking photos and I check Google a lot from my phone, mostly for spell checking, lol. I use the twitter and foursquare apps a lot. The phone technology on my phone seems to be going backwards or the company seems to be focusing on new features instead of perfecting the old features.
I currently have the Palm Pre. The phone app doesn't have the feature to stop the call and respond with a text message or stop the call and put the person into voice mail. I know these features are possible because I had a Centro and a Treo 600 and they both had that function. I used to stop the call and respond with txt all the time, especially if I couldn't talk to the person at the moment which is much nicer than throwing them into voice mail. The only option it has is to ignore the call which throws the person into voice mail.
When I am on the phone with someone and a second person calls me and I answer it, there is no way to hang up on either person. The only option available are switching to the other caller, or hang up on all calls. So when I do finally hang up with one of the calls, I'm always afraid the other person is still on the other line or I somehow merged the calls together. Even though the second person has hung up, it will continue to tell me they are on the on the other line until I hang up with all my calls.
These are simple things they should perfect before moving on to other complex things, but everyone it trying to compete and have the most features, newest features and the most apps even if their current features are buggy.
Posted at 01:24 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Swings, see-saw, merry-go-round, slides... something else? What was your favorite activity at the playground when you were a kid?
See-saw, slide and the monkey bars. When I was younger I couldn't climb tot he top but as I got older i had the strength and ability to climb to the top. i also loved hanging upside down from the bars :-)
Posted at 11:31 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Today is Earth Day. What frustrates you the most about the way we treat the earth? What are you doing to fix it?
Litter bugs and polluted air ... especially cigarette smokers, lol
Posted at 12:42 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
What time do you go to bed at night? Do you get enough sleep or would you prefer to get a few more zzzzzs? How often do you dream?
I go to bed anywhere from 1 am to 3 am. No I don't get enough sleep and I try to make up for it on the weekends. I also don't get enough me time or time to do other things, so I go to bed late.
Posted at 12:34 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
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